Sponsors and partners:

Do you want to demonstrate your AI skills and challenge yourself on a Kaggle like challenge? Do you have an idea for an AI startup that you want to validate?

Then join us at AI Lithuania Hackathon 2024 organized by Artificial Intelligence Association of Lithuania and Linkedist!

Why you should participate in AI Lithuania Hackathon?

  • AI Lithuania Hackathon offers a unique learning opportunity

  • Develop your entrepreneurial and technical skills

  • Networking: connect with like-minded individuals

  • The collaborative atmosphere that fosters creativity and innovation

  • Enrich your portfolio with AI Hackathon experience

  • Your solutions can make a social impact

Prizes for Task Track Winners

Forecasting population in different parts of Vilnius - 500 EUR

Financial RAG implementation - 500 EUR

1st place: 1,200 EUR prize powered by Capital Box, 6-month subscription for NordVPN & NordPass & 100% discount coupon for selected data plan from Saily, 1,000 USD credit for Azure AI services by Fortevento, 10 licenses for personal branding & sales courses by Linkedist.

2nd place: 800 EUR prize powered by Vilnius TechFusion,
3-month subscription for NordVPN & NordPass & 100% discount coupon for selected data plan from Saily, 1,000 USD credit for Azure AI services by Fortevento, 10 licenses for personal branding & sales courses by Linkedist.

3rd place: 1-month subscription for NordVPN & NordPass & 100% discount coupon for selected data plan from Saily, 1,000 USD credit for Azure AI services by Fortevento, 10 licenses for personal branding & sales courses by Linkedist.

Prizes for Startup Track Winners

  • 9th of May – registration deadline for Startup Track paricipants (by 23:59 EEST)

  • 16th-23rd of May – hackathon

  • 22nd of May - registration and submission deadline for Task Track participants (by 23:59 EEST)

  • 23rd of May – awards ceremony (5 - 9 PM, Cyber City, Švitrigailos g. 32, Vilnius)

Save the dates

Frequently asked questions

How much time do I need to allocate for the hackathon?

The hackathon lasts a week, but you'll mainly work on your own time. Plan for these key times: May 16th: 1-2 hours for the online opening event, May 17th-22nd: work freely with pre-booked mentor meetings, and May 23rd: 3-4 hours for the awards ceremony.

What's the hackathon format?

Most of it is online: opening event, mentor sessions, and team communication. The final awards ceremony will take place in Cyber City but will be streamed online, too.

Is the awards ceremony & networking free?

Yes, it's completely free but the registration is mandatory. Make sure to register here.

Can I join the startup track without a team or idea?

Yes, you can register without them. Teams will be formed later.

Can't find an answer to your question?

Email us at info@ailithuania.ai for the task track questions, deividas@linkedist.com for startup track questions, and contact@linkedist.com for sponsorship requests.

I have an operating startup or an MVP, can I apply?

Yes, already formed startups are more than welcome to apply!

Sponsors and partners:

Awards ceremony:

Join us for an evening of celebration as we recognize the remarkable achievements of our talented participants in the AI Lithuania Hackathon! Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to be part of the AI revolution and witness the incredible innovations emerging from the Lithuanian AI community.

  • Date: 23rd of May

  • Time: 17:00-21:00

  • Venue: Cyber City, Švitrigailos g. 32, Vilnius

Here's what you can expect at the ceremony:

  1. Panel discussion

  2. Startup track finalists pitches

  3. Awards ceremony

  4. Networking

  5. Afterparty